Purr-poseful Impact: Our Feline-Focused CSR Initiative

At Ubersilk, our commitment to feline welfare is more than just a fleeting interest—it’s a core part of our corporate identity. We’ve made it our mission to improve the lives of cats in need through a comprehensive approach.

CSR Activities 1

It’s our way of giving back to the community and making a positive impact, one purr at a time.

Our efforts begin with improving shelter conditions, ensuring that cats have safe, comfortable spaces while they await their forever homes. We go beyond just the basics to create enriching environments that cater to cat’s physical and emotional needs.

Nutrition is another cornerstone of our initiative. We understand the importance of proper nourishment for cat’s health and well-being, which is why we regularly provide high-quality cat food to shelters. But our commitment doesn’t stop there. We also do vaccinations, and spay/neuter programs, to ensure that every cat receives the medical care they deserve.

Join Our Whisker Revolution: Be Part of the Paw-sitive Change!

Your support can transform feline lives. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, every action counts in our mission to create a better world for cats in need!
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